Joseph Paterniti & Associates
Business Law Accountants
LET'S TALK: 08 9527 3070​

Joey the second racehorse to bolt from Lark Hill found solace at JPA's front door on 17/06/2020 just before Joseph's morning swim. Once secured at the back he enjoyed the grass, carrots and water. Spoilt whilst being walked by staff member Roxanne.

An example of the Shameless Rubbish left by others. 4/10/2018.
Over the next week I shall load the other Shameless 7 days of rubbish.

Shameless first day of rubbish. In the background, at the foot of the limestone ridge where the shacks begin the worst type of Shameless rubbish.

Shameless third day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp.

Shameless second day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp.

Shameless fourth day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp.

Shameless fifth day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp.

Shameless seventh day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp. Can u count the number of plumbing waste pipe left by the amateur/recreational fishers.
If you look closely there were 4 left behind!!!!
Shameless sixth day of Rubbish Challenger Beach boat ramp.
The blue coloured jelly fish. The size of a 50cent piece. Note the blue coming through from the original after cropping.
Look what the storm blew in.
The Sea Slug of Wells Park/Kwinana Beach last week 17th.

Waikiki Beach - Rockingham at lunch 3/12/2018. I do not normally dip at this hour of the day. My day started at Challenger Beach with a km swim. The sea breeze was in early on the coast as per the slight wave action. I did return here at the end of the day.

Waikiki Beach - Rockingham. The ocean temperature in this region did not drop below 14 degrees in the prior two winters.
I was hoping it would drop to 13 degrees. I can assure readers that it did drop lower in Port Philip Bay at South Melbourne.

And the pretty blue coloured jelly fish. The size of a 50cent piece
I will improve the colour and clarity by cropping.

Meet Ruthless.
The handles of the normal Pickaxe's would always break. So I made this from light truck leaf springs (Bisalloy). The handle is steel. As you can see from its shape it still gives but does not break! It does help in fire break thinning. Dad said it's too heavy! And why nobody asks to borrow it! I did make 'Son of Ruthless" for my neighbour Eric about 12 years ago. It was a hand held version for gardening.
Look what the storm blew in.
The flotation buoy at Kwinana Beach after a late April storm.