Joseph Paterniti & Associates
Business Law Accountants
LET'S TALK: 08 9527 3070​
AVANTI: MY eldest son Benjamin Joseph is to be married to Tamala Page Cox this time next month. The Bucks party will start at a Fremantle Pub. I plan on taking Dad (86 two weeks ago) to this, he wishes to attend at least the Pizza and Beer/Wine session. Mum wants him back by 8pm.
I will then continue on as skipper and guard, 'whilst the boys will be boys'.
My possum and Ben's sister Renee is a bridesmaid in the Bridal Party, but unable to attend as she is in Melbourne with her beau Domenic. The bridesmaid dress was sent months ago so Poss and Dom will attend via computer. The Photographer has organised "Live Streaming" with Melbourne and Leicster, UK, for the 'Cox family' relatives.
The wedding will take place on the grounds of the Freshwater Bay Sailing Club, overlooking the Swan River at Peppermint Grove.
Then in November the post-poned wedding (from April) of my eldest nephew Michael (son of my sister) to Sara will take place.
We will finish the year with my niece Cody (my brothers daughter), to be married to Brice, a few days after Xmas.
Having arrived in Melbourne my first port of call was the National office of the IPA in Melbourne central.
The IPA have introduced a pro-bono business services platform to assist recent bush fire victims, who cannot afford business services advice at this time. I have volunteered for these services because of my extensive clientele in both regional W.A. and Victoria.
During the first 3 days we experienced thick smog conditions which made visibility difficult. Personally I found my morning swim at South Melbourne in Port Philip Bay much more beneficial than the local swimming pools. My body is so conditioned that it cannot tolerate heated pool water, at least in summer.
Down at Bittern in country Victoria, my colleague financial adviser introduces me to two new clients and mentions that she has 2 further clients from Sandy Point near Wilsons Promontory that are interested in joining the JPA network.
We dine in Hastings with two existing clients before returning to Melbourne.
Whilst in Melbourne the weather has been a below average summer, and it received it’s biggest down pour in a day since 2011.
But the biggest fascination for me was the rain of Wednesday night 22nd. I have never seen red coloured rain fall from the sky.
I had an inkling that late afternoon as the cloud cover was red/dirty by nature.
My daughter the possum has been for a number of auditions, via her agent. Her refresher acting classes were completed successfully. She narrowly missed a reputable overseas car manufacturers marketing campaign as her persona was considered too young for the audience pitch.
AVANTI: Over the New Year I plead with and caution Mum on passing through this life without a joint Arancini and Pasta session.
I want her to show me the ancestral method handed down. She laughs and says you are a man, what need do you have? After also mentioning that my late Mother-in-Law had taught me Limoncello (the clear way-non cloudy), and the famous Amaretti biscotti (to preserve one's DNA). I guess I can ask your sisters, and my aunties in Tortorici, Sicily when I get there in May, say I.
Ok then, come over this Sunday, and I will teach you the Arancini method first, says Mum! Then later I will show you the pasta for making Ravioli.
So I am thinking this discussion went well!
AVANTI: My last swim this morning in Port Philip Bay adjacent to the Sandbar beach Cafe was calm and beautiful. After a scorcher of a day yesterday at this same beach. The heavens opened up and as I was swimming the cooler droplets falling from the sky were rather soothing on my back (no wet suit on this boy). Budgies only, not even my swim goggles. Sometimes as in free diving, I enjoy the freedom of swimming VERY FREELY.
AVANTI: The meetings with my client, colleague and Melbourne contact, in that order went well. We all go back many many years. Between Caroline Williams of Bittern, VIC. and Jim Gilchrist from "Bermagui" in the far south coast of NSW, I now have further clients in not only Melbourne but also WA.
I try to contact Mum back home, to ask about our relatives in Sicily, following the eruption of ETNA and the resultant earthquakes. But there is no answer?
(04/12/2018-Tuesday) "Baptism of Fire": For me was yesterday morning. As we now know the mercury reached 37.8 degrees. As a resident of a semi-rural area valid firebreaks are required to be in place by November end, each year. Steve my contractor from Oakford did his best by bowling over with his tractor bucket those trees at ground level encroaching the 3 metre clear zone.
The remaining overhead encroachment (the Albany Woolly bush) was up to me. So after my Challenger beach km swim of 6.15am, I was back at 7.30am armed with 2 x Chainsaws, Ruthless (made by me -photo to be uploaded), Bobcat and 3 Wheeler ATV with garden trailer. After battling the sinking feeling of freshly constructed firebreaks (valid) the bobcat electrics played up in the heat. As did my smaller chainsaw. But I got through it all and was at Waikiki beach for a bathe at 12.30pm (see photo). And on days like this I could not wait to get there after work for my third cool-off.
My heat conditioning is fine now. I will be ok for the remaining summer.
--MH370: Now that the final authority report has been made official! I explain the vision sent me by the Archangels in the sixth (6th) week of the disappearance.
My father the 'Master Mason' and his Stone Mason colleague Vincenzo Nibali.
Yes, that's right, the Grand Father of the '2014 Tour de France' winner and also the cousin of Vincenzo Nibali, the owner of Anketell Stockfeeds on Thomas Road, Casuarina (sorry for dobbing you in, Vince).
The Paterniti Families celebrated dad's 84th birthday on the weekend at the Vale in Beeliar. My father and Vince (the grandfather version) were responsible for most of the stone foundations laid in the suburbs of Coolbellup, Kwinana, Riverton, Rockingham and Safety Bay in the late 50's and early 60's. I will retell some of dad's more finer stories, and not so????
The one story that keeps 'wowing' me the most, is the day when the 'Italia Limestone' lorry would roll up on the worksite with one huge boulder on board. After cursing the delivery, both 'axe-men' would begin to shape that one rock into many little stones. Using only their sharpened axes and metal block splitters,anvils which I still have.
The second of the Shameless 7 days of rubbish - Challenger Beach boat ramp, now uploaded. The remaining 5 days will be uploaded before this weekend end. My first day back and Wednesday's swim at Kwinana Beach/Wells Park reveals some interesting wash-ups after the weekend storm. A Sea slug that should not be touched and the barnacles on this object will cut you like glass. And the the most disgusting wash-up, mentioned earlier, now so entrenched in the coastline at the bottom of the shacks, just sitting to ooze diesel.
I have alerted the relevant authorities. As I feel this is becoming critical.
AVANTI: Bad habits die hard. After approx 3hrs sleep and preparing this just before midnight. I did get to do most things before my departure so staff will be happy.
The lady captain (attention to detail) piloted this Qantas Bird quite beautifully across to Melbourne early am. I must say this was probably my best Melbourne landing. As this Airport suffers from cross winds most times of the day. Client meetings and catch-ups tomorrow.
I should be able to do more blog maintenance and updates on my break.
Friday 26th October for our South West clients and if the weather permits, to swim across to Sugarloaf Rock on the weekend. I also load a late testimonial from Hannah. As it is now nearly 12 months since her beloved mother past-on. Too young to lose. All good as 1 week earlier Hannah gave birth to her second daughter, which mum was able to hold.
The wash up from the awards night to follow. The 18 yr old aged Dalmore Scotch was a sweet drop. And am lucky I do not drink alot. There was NO! Pinor Noir available on the night? So apart from the small amounts of scotch it was water and cranberry for me. But no swimming this morning as I check out at 10. So I can't wait to get back to my homely beaches this afternoon!
Allow me to thank my staff members for booking me so close to the venue and the aquatic centre. "Thank you my ladies"!
Whilst finding my way around the Sydney International Exhibition Centre (being 1km long and 3 separate buildings worth). Am I allowed to say bloody massive! In order to plan my walk this evening. As it happens. I need only walk 450 meters down Quarry street in Ultimo, from the Lord Wolseley Hotel as then the rest of the 1km walk to the grand Ballroom on the 5th floor is in air conditioned comfort of the grand centre itself. So I need not get an Uber.
Well this other exhibit caught my eye which I attended today. Two of my senior staff are envious, as after February this exhibit , resumes in Japan, and no other Australian city. Was allowed to take photos (about 104 of them) and bought some cufflinks for tonight's Black Tie event.
I will upload my entry after tonight's awards. Gotta get ready now!
As I ready to board my flight to Sydney on Pulse Global's invitation to the CEO Magazine Awards night in Darling Harbour. We are elated to announce that a Memorandum of Understading and Profit Sharing Agreement was signed last week with newly formed "Pulse India".
I will upload this morning's swim at my Challenger Beach boat ramp, and if I get a chance, my invite to Wednesday's Awards night.
I'm still not allowed to say who the VIP is at the live cross with the Sue in the UK. Only that he is a very important 'Lord'.
As Venus left the dusk sky in October 2018, so too did our Eleanor (Ellie), leave our JPA family. She is trying her hand at accounting in the construction industry, and a position left to her by her cousin. But it's all ok as I told her I saw this coming some months prior. My youngest son Christopher and his chosen lady, Maria Fernanda Castillo Navas (his Columbian beauty) are very happy as my staff chose her to continue the JPA legacy.
And talking about legacy's.
Guess who is the current biggest dollar grossing artist in the world?
If you guessed Michael Jackson's Estate at $565 million, then you guessed correctly. Second to this is the Elvis Presley Estate at $55 million.
So don't laugh when we say that we assist current high earners establish there own legacies when they finally pass. Most grateful is the Donor who will be remembered for their generosity, and the Beneficiaries of their estate do not mind either, especially as dollars are flowing their way.
Writing from Melbourne, and very happy to announce that Pulse Global has been nominated as a finalist in two National awards. We may be invited to return to Sydney to collect the awards:
Firstly as a finalist in; the "CEO Executive of the Year for a Start-up Executive".
and secondly as a finalist in the "Optus Business Awards - Innovator of the Year 2018".
Institute Of Public Accountants, Post-Brexit - United Kingdom delegation. WOW! The phone call that I have been waiting on now a realisation. Andrew Conway, IPA CEO, Melbourne calls me personally this morning (22/10/2018) to tell me that I have been chosen among a small group of invitees to join him for the six days. Travel plans and itinerary to be uploaded once I know myself. At this stage all I know is that it will be between 26th April and 3rd May, 2019.
This weeks swimming at one of my favoured beaches, "Challenger Beach Boat Ramp" off Sutton street in Kwinana is a welcome break from the swimming pool, especially as the weather starts to warm. I get to eat the seaweed straight from the rocks, at water level. But I wonder how long I can keep doing this as more rubbish is left by the public. I have harvested and brought some fresh seaweed back for my staff from time to time, but sadly report no partakers to date.
I will load the photos of the pristine beach that I enjoy by tonight's end, and then give you the "Shameless 7 days of Rubbish", that I have had to collect and bin!
I would seriously vote for closing of certain beaches on a rotational basis if Government decided it was the right thing to do so that the public heed the warnings to not litter! Eventhough this affects me directly. Before this gets out of hand and Mother Earth continues to suffer irreparable damage.
With the AFL grand final looming and having one red eye for my beloved South Fremantle (whom I played for as a teenager) and one purple eye for the Fremantle Dockers, I am sorry but I cannot bring myself to support the West Coast Eagles!
The best of luck to both sides for this weekend and I leave with this word of encouragement for both sides:
“To have succeeded and never failed is truly remarkable,
Yet success having failed is not only soul promoting but spiritually uplifting”
Joseph Paterniti 28/09/2018
What a July it has been! We at JPA have hit the ground running. I did not get the time to do all the blogy things I said I would. But that's ok. I have started to upload some new photos in our album. And we have plenty of tax and general advice articles. We also commission our second builder to qoute on our office extensions. So exciting times ahead as I upload the initial sketches and drawings. Our board room will overlook Delphinius Reserve. We will have a moon room and an Archangel room!
Dolphins, dolphins beautiful dolphins x 2. My family, clients and colleagues know that Joseph is at peace when "at one with nature". But not the Greg Norman way! So this mornings swim at 7.15am Waikiki beach adjacent to the BP Service Station. On the shore side of the yellow navigation buoy. 2 dolphins were feeding accompanied by 13 shags and 13 pelicans circling overhead. It was a spectacular sight. I am coming into some lean time. So I have numerous photos to upload. The ocean water is currently 15/16 degrees celsius.
One could be excused for thinking that this morning's swim at Waikiki beach, was a touch "Loch Nessy". I will upload some stunning photos of the thick fog and what lurked in the distance????
The swim season is over at the Rockingham Outdoor Pool. When did I reach the Gate of the Berry Farm Margaret River? How many laps did I complete in total? I will upload a photo of my tools of torture which helped with my resistance training. I have put on some weight. I'm thinking it's muscle in the more appropriate places. But my cholesterol has remained at the same level. So I'm thinking it is time to introduce herbal alternatives in this challenge.
Today Tuesday 12th June became an unavailable day. From time to time my "high powered Toyota Lexus 1992/93 2JZ GTE GS 300 Twin-Turbo" requires the TLC that I cannot give it. So I en-trust 'Thor and his dedicated team' at WTF Auto who specialise in this segment. The only problem being the location in Kelmscott. So two to three times a year, I make the daily trek. I drop the car at opening time and end up doing my work at the local library. This vehicle is the main reason why I did not partner in the Ford Shelby AC Cobra (see below).
After a good attempt at fixing the exhaust manifold of my Toyota Hilux 4WD (Bunky - ILLBEBACK), my brother the 'heavy duty mechanic' labelled me a salami (for not machining the piece before refitting it). So Derek from Toms Mufflers and Brakes on Dixon Road will come to the rescue. This otherwise very reliable unbreakable 1987 Hilux, with 427,000 km on the clock has never let me down. Once fixed I will drive her to Melbourne, give Domenic the girlfriend's fathers warning and then drive back. Of course camping and sleeping on the beaches on my way there and back. I will need this after the above in Politics.
Of all the vehicles I have, I trust the bunky the most as it is not dependent on a computer!
- My Possum is in love, and after today's banter she has allowed me to declare it! His name is Domenic, so Mum will be happy until I finish joking around with her and reveal the truth?
- The real reason why the Margaret River Pro Surfing Classic was cancelled this week and it has nothing to do with Sharks. I will upload the real beach conditions this week. As 4 out of the 5 days this week I have been enjoying our 'too fine' beaches. One in particular accompanied by Dolphins, Pelicans, Sea Eagles, and Shags.
Oh! and also Eels or Sea Snakes (may be one of each). Not sure which yet till the department conducts it's investigation.
And No! Sharks should not be culled!!
As we wind down to the Easter break, we would like to wish our friends and colleagues a safe and relaxing long weekend. I would also like to take this opportunity of thanking all my lady staff and their assistance during this time. In this last month our office has (as most would at this time) been run down by the cold and flu bugs. Others have been waiting anxiously on health results to come back.
So these last few days, I have treated them to Hot Cross Buns (Bakers Delight only please! and Why? No Palm Oil. Cause our ancestral friends the Orangutans, live in them. The Palm trees that is!). Thank you for that history lesson ladies!
And there are 6 varieties of Hot + buns? It was Mocha, Fruit and Plain, for the ladies. Oh and the Easter bunny chocolates as well!
I have been away from the office alot this past month and my ladies are my backbone! I will be thinking of them as I travel down south for my break and not taking for granted how lucky I am!
I have had to keep other Demons and Angels at bay! I have so much to write and not enough time to do it! Did you know that the Aircon. at the Vines resort (IPA Conference) came on at the same time (2.06am) that Eric last played up at my office. It's ok I took a photo of the bed side clock/alarm. No the hairs on the back of my neck didn't budge. Nothing shocks or scares me any more in the spiritual or supernatural. Don't worry I still have a very good and vivid memory and write notes more these days which I will upload at a latter stage. I have passed over at least twice in this life time, but the A/angels keep throwing me back! The last time was 2005, when I took codeine for pain by mistake. The specialist later telling me I am allergic to this medication!
So I wish you a safe break, one of reflection, and to see you again the other side of Easter!
Buona Pasqua!
- My eldest son Benjamin and his fiance, beautiful Tammy take up a posting in Bunbury. So all projects go on hold to facilitate the move. As I finish Renee's write up, and then do the collation later.
I will start Benjamin's write-up, before they leave (April 6th).
- The IPA request my assistance at this years Convention.
-13/04/2018-Friday for Ben and Tam's Bunbury move. I'm put'n the bed together, amongst other things. They got the key off the agent last week. And the loaded removal truck is getting there at 7.30am. Quite a bit of furniture has been donated by relatives and friends, so my role will be to help put stuff together? It's gonna be a long day!
-Enjoy Harmony Day on this March Autumn Equinox (the day in the year where the no. of hours of sunlight equal the no. of hours of darkness). Also known for its Orange ribbon, Harmony celebrates the cultural diversity that is Australia. Enjoy your cup of tea or coffee, as we celebrate assimilation of the varied cultures amongst us.
Did you know that some cultures celebrate with colour. Yes that's right the actual "Throwing of Colour". And on this front we assist a dear long-time friend and now client, "A1 Pigments Australia - Mr Dennis Calderbank with getting a foot in the door not just locally but across the East coast.
The day light hours have been getting less since the December Solstice remember(Southern Hemisphere). I explain this further on updating the Numerology for the months ahead.
Also credit must be given where credit is due! A locally produced Gregorian Calendar proves much more accurate to the mass produced rubbish purchased from over east.
I suggest you keep an eye on this section as excitement starts to gather pace with some of the clients we are assisting. Yes all in this 2018. Eleven, pro-active year!
Following my cholesterol readings my Lady Doctor sends me for 2 ECG (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) check-ups, just to be sure. And check on my overall heart health. She has been concerned about my depressive condition of late. After I explained why.
Saddened by the news in this last hour to hear of the passing of great English Physicist Mr. Stephen Hawking. I personally admired and was intrigued by his work on the Universe's Black Holes and of late his theory on the evolution of space travel and time.
Whenever he or David Attenborough are on the media, I would always tune in. Mr. Hawking had the courage to speak out on theories where others would not. It was only recent in time (200/300 yrs) that the Aristocracy and Hierarchy would banish such imaginative minds to incarceration as lunacy. Galileo and Columbus familiar to most of us.
This will now give me the courage to speak out on that which I feel about time and interplanetary travel.
Rest in Peace great man!
Happy International Women’s day to all you Ladies.
Figures for breast cancer in W.A. have dropped to best world rates and the Cancer Council of W.A. credits its “Find Cancer Early Campaign” as assisting in survival rates. So well done ladies for keeping on top of this disease. And if I can get my colleague Peter into a Purple Bra this year then I may be doing this again. The people of Rockingham allowed me to raise $760.00, in the last round.
So a big thank you, as my target was $500.00.
Also happy birthday to our staff member Kristy, she is 30 something? today. Ha ha lol!
And because it is Int. Women’s day and just for the benefit of the ladies, Kristy attended a women’s symposium at the Pagoda Ballroom last October 2017. About 100 people were present, and about 3 qualified Doctor speakers. I remember one thing Kristy said about magnesium creams. To basically ‘throw these out and that a daily dip in the ocean would be better’ WOW!
But I have known this all along! In fact did you know that calling ocean water ‘salt water’ is a misnomer. We should be calling it mineral water.
When you get a chance ‘google’ the ‘mineral make-up of ocean water’ and you may be pleasantly surprised.
(05/03/2018-Monday) I have returned from Melbourne and what a busy week it was.
- Most of the time that possum was not working was spent at the beach as per her request. The weather was low 30's so Altona beach was our drive-to, yes singing Robbie Williams hits. Robbie was at Rod Laver Arena at the beginning of the week but we missed him, so we sang his songs. Why Altona? Well I reveal that in a Trip Advisor write-up to be done shortly. Poss. upset me with her declaration of a Bells beach visit at 3am one morning when she could not sleep. So for good measure I took her to my favourite open water beach in Melbourne, the "13th Beach S.L.S.C", at Barwon Heads. The dumpers here tiring her, and serving as a good lesson.
"Where are my flippers dad"?
"You won't be needing them, they will drag you under"!
"So why are you wearing them"?
"So that I can get to you quickly, if need be".
"Is that the reason why you swim with a weight belt on dad".
"Stick as close to dad as possible, and if you tire, then float on your back".
I would of had all these Beach write-ups published already, including 'Port Lonsdale beach', if Trip Advisor had not disallowed it. They have requested separate write-ups for each beach. It makes sense, but more time consuming for me in not combining them!
- Hertz spoiled me (at no extra cost) with a New Toyota Kluger, Auto 3.5L V6, AWD. I wanted to take it off-road, but did not get a chance. I prefer the small hatches to whiz around Melbourne business. Kristy's instructions (costing) are to always hire me a Corolla Hatch or equivalent. So I did not complain when this was revealed to me at the departure bay no. 4. I owe Hertz a Trip Advisor write-up as well, as they have gone out of their way to accommodate my requests since (2014) the regular trips to Melbourne.
After 8 years of absence (thanks to ASIC), Joseph today has found the courage to come back. Following on from this weeks "market correction". His brother was the first to know - "Buon Esperanza Investments". Then my staff, and thirdly my colleague and dear friend Peter (Piedro).
But before ASIC sends it's heavies around.
Don't panic boys, keep your sharpened pencils in your holsters. Nobody but Joseph's family and the Catalpa Homeless Foundation will be benefiting from his benefaction.
3 sets of figures panicked the market at the beginning of the week. I will republish them for you and explain why. This is not financial advice and should not be construed as such as I am not allowed to give financial advice (thanks to ASIC).
And yes I will be pulling apart my ENFORCEABLE UNDERTAKING.
"USE THAT LAST DROP OF WATER LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT"! Feeling of Joseph since October 2017.
What has happened in South Africa of late? Can this happen in Sydney in the very near future?
"OUR BEST ATTACK OR RESTRAINT FROM SAME COMES FROM AN EVEN STRONGER CONSTITUTION OF DEFENCE"! Feeling of Joseph since May 2016. Our trade ties with India, the largest democracy in the world and fellow Commonwealth Ally must expand if we are to maintain peace and harmony in this region of the World.
Over the years the western world's insatiable appetite for everything Chinese, may cause us to belch for quite some time yet!
It's time to heed the calling and assist a long time colleague and friend of the Practice. Dr. Brett Davies of Consolidated Legal, has been around as a practitioner just slightly longer than I. So check out his request in our Associates section (previously Clients). And if you can genuinely assist please do so by spreading the word! And voting of course.
Nearly forgot. After a surprising swim contribution in the month of December (605 laps). I met my target of 2700 laps (Avon Descent 135 kms) on Tuesday, 9th of January. David Coleman said that he should reach the same destination on Tuesday, 6th of February (next week) Our fellow swim companion is Keith Howe. He has injured his rotator cuff, so is not counting his laps, but has finished ahead in this event in previous years.
I will now turn my attention to Margaret River and the steps of the "Berry Farm". Where I shall stop for my Boysenberry pie.
I will then calculate the distance to the Paraburdoo Swimming Pool in the Pilbara from my Rockingham office. I wish to return to this destination one day soon and take a photo as I did 31 years ago, when I was 23. So as to compare. I have never felt stronger physically than all the years of my swimming (46).
If I had asked you this morning to dive into a mirror with me, would you?
It's ok if you said NO! Many people would say , "No"!
Now if I said that the mirror was Waikiki beach, Safety Bay, in Warnbro Sound, would you change your mind?
Some of you say "Yes"!
Well then have a look at the photos I will upload before days end and judge for yourselves (see photo album).
(08/12/2017-Friday): Torn between New Zealand and United Kingdom at the moment as my two eldest children are at opposite ends of the globe.
My oldest son Benjamin and his girlfriend Tammy are in Leicester UK, for a white but cold Christmas. Visiting Tammy's extended family. My possum, Renee has already sent some photos of her trek through some of NZ's picturesque landmarks with her friend from Western Australia. I know where I would rather be right now.
I will share both young adult's experiences with my audience on separate pages. So that then they can keep the collage for themselves.
-Rockingham Swim Club Challenge. The Laps tally to October end was recently published in mid-November. The standings thus far; David Coleman 1380, Joseph Paterniti 930, and Helen Nation 550. My laps then to mid-November were as follows,
60,60. And yes I will explain who Helen is.
Helen Nation is the original convenor and organiser of the Rockingham Swim Club Challenge at the Rockingham Aquatic Centre on Council avenue. She first informed me about this club about 10 years ago.
The club was started to keep this beautiful outdoor swimming and Rockingham community asset venue open. There have been threats at council level to resume this originally donated piece of land by the then land developers of Rockingham to vest for the local community. However with the growth of the outer-lying suburbs of Baldivis and Secret Harbour and beyond. The monetary pressure to keep this community asset open was highlighted. More to Follow.
-Wo-ho Moment in the Gym: a lapse in concentration allows the ball of my left foot to sail past Garth’s right ear, and I tell him to wake up. “Oohh that was awfully close”, says Garth. You would have been out cold mate. Meanwhile the takeover of his Gymnasium is stalled due to the Bank’s due diligence.
(02/11/2017-Thursday): "Hail All Souls Day".
Eric's vision to me has now been published. See Numerology section under June 2017.
I did have a late night last night, with some restless sleep and woke remembering a dream rather than a vision. This time of month I usually do as the moon is going to Full. And I am a light sleeper in any case. The dream was of a recently departed 'Comare'. And the saying is that once you have the plant 'Mother-in-Laws tongue' growing in your back yard, you can never get rid of it. It was her funeral I relived in my dream last night.
But it will be Eric's vision that I will publish before this day is ended.
My interpretation of that vision will come at a later stage.
These visions would scare me as a child.
Until my near drowning at the age of 9.
After that everything changed and I became more courageous and confident with what was being sent to me.
My Possum relayed a vision to me at her birthday recently, about her grandmother. She started saying that it was a dream.
When she finished telling me how and the content, I told her that what she had experienced was a vision (like a message). As she was slightly scared.
I told her to never be frightened, and to make detailed notes.
The Manic Maltese, that I mentioned earlier, also reported clearer dreams when I was staying at the Brunswick apartment that week in August recently. It is why I must keep him close.
Halloween or Hallowed Evening? We look at this commemorative occasion over the centuries and how it is related to All Saints and All Souls day. If you are a Mexican, then you have been communicating with your dead, since Saturday the 28th in your 'Day of the Dead Parade'. I mentioned this in an earlier Blog-Numerology write-up for Anzac Day. Again I mention there are two more commemorative days in the November month. Can you guess as to what they are? We reveal all in this write up to follow, and as a clue they are all linked to remembering past souls/spirits. And I stay up all night to bring you this Blog write-up and more, as well as communicating with my Ancestral Spirits. Now published in the Numerology section under November 2017.
We attend the Lexus of Perth Showroom to assist an associate with their latest purchase. And then they started on me for the sale of NO. 4 - LC 500 Coupe. I must admit the surround sound system in this vehicle would leave some home theatre systems hoping and wishing. All for $225,000.00, plus on roads.
-Rockingham Swim Club Challenge. The Laps tally to November end were Joseph Paterniti – 1970, David Coleman 1740 , and Helen Nation 980. My laps then to mid-December were as follows,
60,5,60,40,-. Pool staff also organised the once a month breakfast on Wednesday, 20th December. Plenty of fresh fruit, fruit toast, spreads and coffee and tea. As an incentive to keep all pool attendees regular and committed.
As mentioned earlier, Dave and I have taken the Avon Descent challenge, the longest at 135 kilometers. On current trends I should finish the challenge by about mid February. As 135 kilometers translates to 135,000 meters, or 2700 laps (of a 50m pool length). Requiring an effort of 337 laps a month or approx. 84 laps per week (4.2kms). The swim club season is 8 months from September to April.
At the start of the swim season I suggested Margaret River as a potential swim destination. This would be a 241 kilometer distance (to the door of ‘The Berry Farm’ in Margaret River. The lure for me being the fresh boysenberry pie). 241,000 meters or 4820 laps. Requiring approx. 602 laps per month (30kms).
Not insurmountable. I’ve already thought of how to conquer this. If needed I could introduce my ‘swim and sausage days’. More for later.
I have had to take some time off and speak to some professionals as my possum has not been well. I normally can take the illness of the Mother of my Children, but my possum's situation has pushed me to the edge of late. My two boys have been towers of strength, for me
so too my staff and my Colleague Peter and my understanding clients.
I also did return for my 6 monthly bloods and cholesterol as promised this last week, and now just waiting for the results to come in.
I have also found that over the years when I am at my emotional worst, I am at my intuitive best, in a weird way, if that makes sense?
My youngest, Christopher headed for Melbourne this morning on a work marketing conference. This means I have the new JPA vehicle, for 3 days.
This vehicle will set the standard for JPA vehicles going forward, as far as advertising and promotional decals go.
Darryl from Bullet Signs – Rockingham is putting the finishing touches to the Gold decals that will go on this Black Hilux SR5.
I have asked Christopher to spend as much of his evenings with his sister, the Possum, as she is excited about seeing him.
The Poss. has started her 8 week program with the Gastro. Practioner.
Elle has had to have her baby ‘Preston’, and whilst we are all excited, he is 4 weeks prem., and not in the clear yet. Elle spends as much of her day time with him.
Reading to him and touching him.
So that is Fab!
Hannah does not want to speak to me as she will break down. So I have sent her a email to be strong and hold her mother’s hand, at this time. And our prayers will follow.
I have prayed to the spirit of Pim, Elle’s mum (Dec.) to corral the Angels and watch over Elle and her Baby (approx 8 months) at this time.
​Also I'm not happy with this current weather pattern. If Perth is to sustain it's yearly average rainfall then it will need to rain as it has since the start of the year right up till the first week of November for us to meet our yearly average of 838-859mm's (the average explained in layman's terms up to today 24/08/2017 - a 6 universal number day).
I'm hoping for a equally good September to mirror that of August, then all Perth needs is a normal October average to make up the yearly average.
With this weeks weather pattern and the weekend now entrenched, it is unlikely that either of the above will be achieved. Whilst miracles do happen, one (me) can only pray for regular rain till mid October, and then pray for no frosts and no further rain at harvest (fungal diseases), as the best hopeful situation to help our W.A. farmers for the 2017 year. Here's hoping!!!!
-The Poss phoned me this morning and started crying. So I have decided to post another photo of my princess. Her specialist had a cancellation so pushed her in early. The results are in.
(11/08/2017-Friday) The Mighty Sun Shining in Melbourne:
This is the fifth day in a row of sunlight for us in Melbourne, after that Sunday of rain. The Poss. said it’s a good omen for her procedure this Saturday Morning at “Epworth” – East Melbourne.
In reverse I’m told it has rained heavily in Perth the majority of the week?
So inspired I was that on the Monday morning I did dip at the beach at South Melbourne, after doing my stretches and karma routine. It was colder than Waikiki beach. The ambient temperature that morning driving there was about 8 degrees. Thank my Angels, no blood sucking leeches or or lice bugs in the water (like microscopic deformed prawns) as reported earlier in the weekend by the ‘Herald Sun’.
I have decided to extend my stay with the poss. till the Monday evening, from the Saturday evening. I’m glad I got my staff to change this yesterday as we have just found out that her procedure is scheduled for the latter 11am. So there was no way, as a father I could board a plane and leave knowing my poss. was coming out of anesthesia. That way I will be with her through recovery Saturday arvo and Sunday. I’m hoping she will be able to resume her casual work on the Monday, that way I can fly out that evening.
I guided my office staff through the main power box at work to bypass Eric’s shenanigans for the moment. GIVE ME A BREAK ERIC! YOUR STORY WILL BE TOLD. I HAVE FINISHED THE DRAFT-YOU KNOW THAT!!!!
This Notice Board has got bit messy of late so I am tidying up as we speak (Friday night), whilst the possum is fasting.
It will be the beach early am tomorrow as the Brunswick baths open too late on a weekend (8am).
The poss wanted some kick arse music to get her in the mood, so she chose good old bad boy Robbie Williams over Cold Play on my portable dongle. Escapeology his best, I feel. The poss circulating between 'Come Undone, Monsoon and Sexed Up' as we are driving anywhere and everywhere as per her request.
"Can't stay at home and wait dad- gotta keep movin". A pleasant chip off the old block, say I. I love her attitude.
Remember I wrote the following not long ago?
Graduation Day: Christopher Joel Paterniti (alias Chrisso - my baby - with his big mouth who keeps challenging his father) is graduating today 15/02/2017. Chris is the last of my children so I thought I would leave it to now to boast about my 3 Beautiful Children. Who make me proud.
Well the possum has been feeling down the last two weeks, (Acting, Courses, Work, etc.,) to the point where I upset her, and she was not talking to me (she can be stubborn like her father). I was only truthful about her dietary habits, and she did not like it! Her latest fad is Ketogenics, and apparently the first restaurant out of America opened in Subiaco back in February 2017? So my trip to Melbourne to hold her and reassure her can't come sooner. But anyway she finally rang, at the end of last week, and whilst on the phone to me, was surfing the net, and noticed her first acting credit. I told my colleague Piedro, and he is excited, as he is a big Startrek and Starwars fan (not my cup of tea), and wants the first autographed paraphernalia from the Poss. This is now a huge pick-me-up for Poss.
For me personally there has been no better gift in life, than the gift of my educated, loving, respectful, and contributing young adults that are my 3 children. And so because my 'Possum' was the first to graduate. Her story will be the first of my children, that I will share with my audience.
As an introductory tease, My possum graduated from Murdoch University in 2014, with a triple Major, in Media, Communications and Screen Production. In a nutshell she is qualified to Direct and Produce.
But whilst she is still young, she said she would like to try to promote herself in front of the camera. More to Follow. Photo Updates.
(13/10/2017-Friday) THE EARLY YEARS:
My Possum was born Renee Tiana Paterniti on the 15th October, 1992. I’m not ashamed to say that I missed her birth by a few minutes. But vowed to her since, to always be by her side when she needed me.
Such was the arrival of my possum back then that it did weaken me. For the record it will tell that I fainted at the hospital, was rendered useless and ordered home to rest. This can be better understood on a spiritual level.
Towards late afternoon, I was asked to return as birth was near. Only then did I know she was a daughter. Her eyes were open, wrapped in a blanket with her hands up around her chin, moving her fingers and pointing her little tongue at me. It was as if she was telling me off with both fingers and tongue. See Photo (more like a squirrel ay?) She had the most hair of my 3 children and an olive complexion.
So was the entrance of my daughter into this world.
Just prior to starting school in grade 1 she had a ‘secret garden’ (IMAGINATION – Which I always promoted) in the top south west corner of our block. She would bury her deceased pets, like budgies, canaries, crazy crabs, gold fish in this her secret garden. How she and Chris did not stumble across any snakes in this area is a miracle, or just good work by my staffy/bull terrier mongrel cross ‘Max’, who was taught to always be a step ahead and pave the way. This site was mainly characterised by old corrugated iron sheets that I would come to identify as a possible camp of the Aboriginal Stockman and horse tracker ‘Wandi’. This camp was at one of the most high spots in Wandi. It is well documented that Wandi would make camp at the highest spots so that he could look down on his find/catch (As per the late Mr. Lavery from Hunter & Lavery real estate). It is important to remember this point at this time, as many years later I would come to ‘summons the spirit of Wandi’. But this is a revelation for another day.
Renee would involve her younger brother Christopher in all her playful activities.
On starting school she showed her love for the Arts, and excelled in drama and theatre. She could mimic Sister Emanuele (Mater Christi Primary School) down to a ‘T’ to the point where the school audience (Friday-stage), both parents, teachers and students would be in fits of laughter. And not too long after that was carrying both a photographic and video camera (which she had pinched from me). An example of one of her productions (about 11 yrs) was when she married her younger brother Christopher off to her Rotteweiler/Ridgeback cross dog called Rusty. See photo album.
Yes, she was both the celebrant and photographer, for the occasion.
Have I mentioned that my Possum got into Murdoch Uni. with a TER of 93. something? Her first choice was a Major in Law with a minor in Media. She was joint Captain of her debating team at Emanuelle Catholic College for years 11 and 12. And I swear she could "talk the hind legs off a donkey" if she put her mind to it.
And then she "drove a dagger in my heart" when she declared after two weeks of starting, that she was changing her degree to a "Triple Major in Media, Communications and Screen Production". But as my family, friends and audience knows, I continue to support her, giving her dad's love, passing no judgement.
Remembering 'Evening Bliss' only, whilst Venus is in the western evening sky. Forget 'morning glories' and 'afternoon delights', if we are still keen to conceive baby girls. See Numerology.
Morning swimmer, Lady Drue was the only one in the Ocean at Wakiki beach, Malibu road this morning. I slept in and was envious, watching her frolicking in the surf. I waived at her she waived back.
The water was absolutely beautiful this morning. This time of year, with it being dark, visibility is paramount so the earliest we get in, is about 7.15/7.30am. As promised I am going to relate my experience, and what I am told by other morning swimmers. Honestly the only thing we fear is the threat of natures sharks. So we watch out for each other. So that’s what I did this morning. Even-though I was late, I still visited, took in the air, ambience and watched Drue enjoying it. She finished and came up and admitted to waiting in her car for 15mns for the downpour to subside, (the storm coming in much later) but was not going to miss out on the opportunity of flat water, no ripples, but the the 1.5 to 2 metre swell, giving us great body surfing conditions. Sometimes the beautiful Dolphins join us in riding these waves as they chase mullet and bait fish. The tide is also out at the moment so heaps of beach for stretching etc. I need to be back at the office by 8/8.30am at the latest to ready myself for this busy tax season and appointments
So I told Drue I was envious and going to mention it in my blog. Her reply, “I was’nt going to either as I was on my own, but I’m glad I did Joseph”.
And there you have it!
We do not feel the cold any more. And it has brought us many health benefits!
"Culinary Delight not Quite" (Yet):
Those that know, are aware that Joseph occasionally cooks at the office. And he has been quite successful in duplicating some of his Mothers (Sebastiana) peasant food from "via Colla - Tortorici", (mums little village in Sicily) not too far from Galati and Paterno.
He will upload some the special dishes in the near future
But he is not embarrassed to say that last nights attempt at the Sicilian Arancini Balls ended in spec-tacular failure! He was knee deep in pots and pans, fingers full of bread crumbs. Even managing to set off the office smoke alarm, at the deep frying stage.
His motto "nothing ventured, nothing gained".
Yes we do have photos of this failure. Which Kristy said, - It's ok Joe just call it a "Deconstructed Arancini ball".
Yes Kristy and you get "employee of the month". I know what mum would think/say "Skiffo"! (disgusting).
It actually tasted quite nice.
Joseph continually says to his friends, "allow me to cook some sicilian peasant food, and I promise you will leave feeling like a King"! And quite a few have taken up his offer. More To Follow.
(22/07/2017-Saturday) “Colin Crusher”.
The how and why I got this unenviable title on the football field as a 15 year old.
This story is important as it provides the basis for my earlier promises on the healthy maintaining of your Cerebral and Lung capacity.
It was about this time in the winter of 1979 at Bruce Lee Oval, South Street - White Gum Valley. South Fremantle under 16’s (our side, as I grew up at no.10 Rose Street), was playing Cockburn Black, (as opposed to Cockburn Blue). Colin was indigenous, a little faster afoot than me, but about the same skill level.
As with most indigenous players, Colin was very talented and he was feared by most other players for his hard and aggressive attack.
Not a bad thing, I would agree with you here, so he was an asset for his side but he had a downfall. This was, that on some game days, he would collect a scalp or two, the wrong way by going at a player while their head was down, with devastating consequences for the opposing player and side.
Not my style of play!
Enter the Coach, Mr. Stewart.
“Pat-niti, you’re on the ball today, cause Burton’s got the flue”. “Gee thank’s Coach”!
Corrie Burton was a centre-man as was Colin. Colin and Corrie were both barrel chested. Because of my swimming (7yrs till then), I had very broad shoulders, my normal position was centre half back. To stop opposition attack on goals.
However Ju-jitsu only 4yrs till then would prove important in defending myself that day (not the way you are all thinking either). The primary theme of this Japanese Martial Art is to use the force of the opponent against them, by deflection. Recent movies that have used this traditional form of martial arts was John Wick and Atomic Blonde.
The first quarter went without incident, he was sizing me up, as we had never played on each other before, and most players would avoid or give Colin a wide berth if in his vicinity.
It was during the second quarter that I found myself near the ‘left half forward flank’ and set to scoop up the rolling ball. I could sense Colin was near, and then spotted him in the corner of my eye. I was naturally low to the ground as I was preparing to sccop the ball one handed whilst still running. My path was towards goal. At that position my head and neck region were vulnerable. Colin was 4 large strides away, and setting himself to come around and take me out from the side. On the fourth stride and just before impact I planted the front of my right boot stubbs into the ground lifted my head and neck slightly, and presented Colin with my right shoulder in the forward thrust position.
What happened next was amasing!
We connected with such force that Colin bounced off and hit the ground about 5ft away. He was in agony and yelling with pain. He had to be helped off the ground, and suffered a broken collar bone.
Most would not argue that calcium is one of the main minerals in Bone formation. But did you know that chalk is also a product of calcium?
I guess in my case mum’s Salami and Cheese sandwiches for school lunch alternating with Mortadella, and only occasionally with Ham, (as this was more expensive) proved dietary winners.
Apart from my early childhood, and age 8, I have had to keep physically fit. Swimming and literally caning my lungs and pressuring my breast bone with at times 5km sessions (100 laps), proving beneficial. My ‘second wind’ and cruising speed usually coming in at laps 30 where I was unstoppable. On some occasions it was as if my lungs would leap out of my rib cage.
The last time I repeated that fete was 3 yrs ago when I ‘headed’ the lap total and finished on top at the end of the September to May season of the Rockingham swim club.
In time I have come to understand that my lung capacity has been my major organ asset. In early childhood (pre 8 yrs) it could have gone the opposite way, due to my asthma. So I credit my parents for this positive pathway that they took for me.
The rest has been my dedication and persistence. More to Follow:
(17/07/2017-Monday) “Welcome Ashleigh”- Ms. Ashleigh G. is a very attractive young lady, who is in her second year of Notre Dame University, studying a Double Major Degree. Her Bachelor of Commerce is a major in Accounting, and her Bachelor of Arts is a major in International Relations.
This is Ashleigh’s second stint with us. Her first was in the xmas semester break of 2013/14 year between year 10 and 11 of her Secondary studies. She is the daughter of long standing clients and the grand-daughter of an even longer and loyal client Mr. Paul Nicholson. So back in year 10 when she asked to do work experience with us, we naturally said yes. At the time, I remember Ashleigh asking me what she should study with her Accounting degree, and of course I naturally said ‘Law’.
My thinking is simple here, we as an organisation try to empower young ladies, the women of tomorrow, by offering advice that we feel is the best, not necessarily the easiest or shortest route, but the best route for their personal development going forward.
I did no less with my Possum, which as my audience/readers know will be publishing her story of development soon. I am about a quarter of the way through my daughter’s right up. The reason I mention this now, is because my daughter got into Murdoch University with a desire to study a Double Major Degree in Law and Media (naturally after asking for my opinion-and she was never going to do Accounting anyway). Within the first four weeks she had changed this to a Triple Major in Media, Communications, and Screen Production. And she was happy with her change.
Ashleigh gave Law a good go, but the copious reading and case law was not for her. And she is now happier with her change.
Going forward Ashleigh knows that she has a Mentor in me, as my daughter has, if she wishes. She need not ask as I will be offering this to her tomorrow morning when she returns for her second day of Internship.
I will write a follow up to Ashleigh’s stay after Friday July 28, 2017.
HOW DID ASHLEIGH GO? (18/08/2017):
Well before her start I did warn Ashleigh that I would be placing her directly “in the deep end”. As I feel it is the best way to learn. No different to what I have done with my children over the years. And what my father did with me.
What I did not tell her, (until the very final moment) was that I was going to “push her in” on the first Wednesday of her arrival into an appointment with a client.
I had the previous two days included her, in most of my client appointments and asked her to take interview notes that she could later rely on. I chose Mr. Shimmon, a client of 27 years.
I was in the room and Ashleigh completed this assignment with confidence.
But her moment to excel, and impress me was yet to come!
After this, Ashleigh had stints with all my staff, in different aspects of the practice. By the second and final week, she was preparing ‘basic individual’ and ‘business’ tax returns. Towards the end of this second week, I asked her for an analysis of the profit figure of a new business client.
Ashleigh not only gave me the estimated profit after expenses but excelled when she went one step further and said that: the client had infringed on the $90,000.00 single (non-family) medicare threshold, and hence up for the extra medicare surcharge (a fine).
At which I lifted my head and said ‘WOW’. Wow, because this is the answer I would expect from a 6 month graduate, not an intern.
Which to me showed that:
She has been ‘listening’,
It has ‘registered’, and
She knows how to ‘act’ and put it into practice.
As a send off we gave Ashleigh a book store voucher and a card with our well wishes. I did say that she was welcome back at any stage, but that she should spread her wings to bigger and better aspects of her degree. I had in mind her ‘International Relations’ qualification and so supplied the name of the General Manager IPA division W.A.. To this end, Kristen can point her in the direction of a student membership and more importantly, a shoe-in to International Accounting affiliations such with the UK, and Asia. As we have several clients involved with million dollar businesses in both these regions.
And finally my farewell message to her, as with all, was on a personal level as follows:
To always respect your spirit and the temple that surrounds it - first.
Always give your best.
Never accept mediocrity.
Live life and respect Mother Earth as if it were your last day.
(02/07/2017-Sunday) COLD WATER THERAPY:
Not for everyone. It has worked for me. It may work for you. I was at Challenger Beach Boat Ramp for my swim this morning. Arriving at 7.30am, the ambient temperature was 7.5 degrees. The sand above the high water mark was surprisingly warmer at 8 degrees. But this area was still wet from the prior two days of rain and storm. The ocean was and has been at 15 degrees for the last week. It was crystal clear and it felt like bathing in cream which I will explain later. More To Follow.
About 3 weeks ago 04/05-, I wrote about the three sequence of numbers I had been seeing for quite some time, remember? Well I could not write earlier than this as I am very busy, at the moment and my lady staff get upset with me if I do not get through the work they leave for me! So last night after ignoring the alarm at 11.15pm (my 1 hr knap), I woke this morning at about 3.45am (Devils hour). Turn the TV on and Highlander is on (one of my favourites). I immediately tuned into the weather patterns of late as I wanted to write with haste. I still have a few files to get through, but the staff and I have been rather busy with one woman down (Elle needs some space and time) and we have had a run of new clients of late. Which is all good. Anyway from time to time I enlist the help of my astronomically minded sick client, Dazza from Macarthur, Canberra. Not long after returning to Canberra he was back in hospital laid up on a transfusion, so he sent me a paper on the 11 year cycle of our Mighty Sun, following on from queries I had for him. If I told you that the weather pattern happening on the Andes Mountains (spans 7 countries in South America incl. Colombia) at this very moment alters the speed of rotation of Mother Earth, would you believe me? Maybe? How about if I told you that this in turn is affected by our Mighty Sun and it’s nearly periodic 11 year cycle. We are currently in cycle no. 24 (since recordings began nearly 264 years ago, after observations spanning 4 centuries).
Perth’s Weather: In this morning’s West Australian on page 6 the opening para. “City dwellers enjoying Perth’s run of glorious sunny winter days have been urged to spare a thought for WA farmers in desperate need of rain”.
Well I for one have, and for the last 2 weeks have been praying for rain, but not only for the farmers, but also for the flora and fauna. The Bee’s have moved on from Sugar-Loaf Rock and the fish in the streams and rivers will be the first to feel this dry spell. More to follow.
My client George came in yesterday, for the first time since losing his beloved Isobel. He still has strong memories of his beloved and again broke down in my room. I told him that this is normal and to keep engaged in the things they loved doing together, like gardening. I made him an Italian espresso which he enjoyed along with some Italian biscotti’s. He apologised and asked if I would remake the Archangels, with certificates I had made for Isobel as they seemed to have disappeared after her passing at the hospital. It would be my pleasure and not to worry as it’s not the first time these Angels have flown-off. To which he excitedly related to me a true story about their recent vacation. And now the butterflies visit him regularly. Which George would like me to share with my Web audience. So more to follow.
Just recently one Archangel Uriel was sent to ‘Martin’ in Ireland by a loved one in Australia. On reflection, reports back from most people are that they bring a ‘tear of joy’ to their receivers. Photo to be uploaded.